Dear Luis Urea Goméz,
Thank you for your application through Universidad Simón Bolivar to study at
Uppsala University during the academic year 2006/2007.
This letter is to inform you that you have been admitted to the University. You will
be able to study the following courses:
Autumn semester 2006
Real Time Systems MN1
Secure Computer Systems
Data Mining
Database Design
Spring semester 2007
Electronic Commerce and Security
Simulation and System Engineering
Artificial Intelligence
The courses above may not fully correspond to the choice of courses outlined in
your application for admission. As there from time to time can be a change in the
range of courses given, we may have needed to make adjustments in your study
plan. Upon arrival, you are welcome to the International Office to finally settle
your selection of courses and to go through other necessary details.
Course in Swedish
You will be offered a 48 hours’ Swedish Language course (free of charge),
during the semester time. Application after arrival. For application to the
Intensive Swedish language Course August 1-September 8, please return
application form enclosed. This is a very popular course and not all students are
We recommend you to arrive in Uppsala on August 22-25 to take part in the
Orientation Week programme and to have time to register and to meet with contact
persons and students before the semester starts.
We have also reserved a room for you in a student dormitory. Information
regarding your address in Sweden will be emailed to you beginning of August.
Visa and residence permit You must apply for a visa for Sweden as soon as possible for the duration of your stay. You should present the enclosed Admission Certificate with your application.
I also refer to the enclosed Important Information for Exchange Students as well as
the booklet International Student Guide (p 16).
Exchange students coming to Uppsala University are covered by an insurance
policy taken by the University at a national agency, Kammarkollegiet. This
insurance covers medical issues, accidental injury and assault, disability and death,
liability and legal expenses at a level comparable to normal high Swedish
standards while in Sweden. Travel to and from Sweden in connection with your
study period is not covered nor are trips outside Sweden during your study period.
Read carefully the chapter about Insurance in the International Student Guide
(page 19) as well as the STUDENT IN pamphlet!
For further information please see the enclosures. You are, of course, very
welcome to ask any questions. Please note, however, that the International
Office as well as the departments are more or less closed in July and the first
week of August.
We look forward to meet you in Uppsala in August.
Yours sincerely,
Thomas Fredengren/Caroline Lingqvist
International Exchange Coordinators
Admission Certificate
International Student Guide
STUDENT IN pamphlet
Important Information for Exchange Students
Arrival Information and map
Application for Intensive Course in Basic Swedis
Labels: Uppsala, vivencias